Do you want to be part of our project by sponsoring us?

Ways you can partner with us.


Retail Brands

Do you own a brand? We can partner with you so that a percentage from every sale comes to us and supports our wellness project across the United Kingdom.

Perhaps your a juice bar, healthy restaurant, ethical clothing store or similar, imagine you could give a free yoga or meditation session to somebody in need just with a simple donation from every sale or we could place a money box In your shops?

Our team will provide you with a logo and all the integrations necessary to make your generosity happen and to be recognised for it.

Corporate Donation

We understand that corporations have the ability to change the face of this planet for good or for worse.

With your large donations, we can repair people and planet quicker and more effectively with your funding and kind consideration.

Land Donation

Would you like to donate a portion of your land, or lease it to us for a discounted rate.

We can use your land to plant thousands of trees, conduct wellness sessions and create thousands of places of wildlife to flourish.


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